I put Middle Earth Journal in hiatus in May of 2008 and moved to Newshoggers.
I temporarily reopened Middle Earth Journal when Newshoggers shut it's doors but I was invited to Participate at The Moderate Voice so Middle Earth Journal is once again in hiatus.

Thursday, May 13, 2004

Fun and Politics

This is supposed to be a place for fun and politics but it will never be able to compete with my favorite place, Fafblog. I don't know who these people are and I am far to lazy to make any serious attempt to find out but they are educational and fun. In a recent post on seniors and medicare the satire is infectious, at least I hope it is satire:
Awwwwww! Poor old seniors! Do you know what this is, seniors? (Please imagine Giblets miming a violin-playing motion with his fingers) It is Giblets playing the world's smallest violin just for the seniors who are too stupid to figure out how their obscenely expensive new Medicare drug benefit works. In a proper honest Gibletsian society you would all be released into the jungle to be eaten by giant insects upon retirement, or perhaps forced to run through a televised master gauntlet policed by extravagantly costumed killer police cyborgs, instead of plodding on into old age and becoming part of a immensely potent voting block. We have given you massive and deeply flawed entitlement programs that won't survive your children. We have bloated those programs with sops to pharmaceutical companies and the AARP. We have given you Florida, a once barely-habitable swampland now dereference into a hellish biodome of rest homes and tourist traps. And now you want the ability to see, too?

and then there is this fun nonsense, at least I think that's what it is:

Things of note seen on the road:

A car on fire - which did note explode! "It must explode eventually," says Giblets. "TV has not lied to me."

A Wendy's with a giant inflatable girl out in front of it. We figured that must in fact have been Wendy. "Wendy is enormous, and terrifyingly bloated" read my notes.

A truck full of corn tipped over in a ditch, with much spilled corn. "Air thick with the howl of zombified yokels lost in the throes of corn-lust" read my notes. I am pretty sure I did not write that, complain to Giblets instead.

A good place to go when you need a smile.

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