Here at Middle Earth Journal and at Running Scared we have tried to keep you up to date on the hoax known as the Social Security "Crisis". I have collected all of the posts on Social Security on both sites and the links are below. I will keep this post updated and I will place a link to it over on the right sidebar.
- Calculator Free Zone....Or????
- Private accounts are not coming off the table
- Sweeping Social Security under the carpet
- The Social Security trust fund a mirage?????
- You can sell a war with lies.......but not Social Security "reform".
- Republicans Get an Ear Full(MEJ)
- Fear, hate and prejudice(MEJ)
- More Paid Propaganda(MEJ)
- The Best Social Security Policy...Do Nothing?(MEJ)
- Frist gives second opinion, SS privitization DOA(MEJ)
- Another Irrefutable Argument Against Privatizing Social Security(RS)
- You can't jam change down the American people's throat(MEJ)
- Two sets of books, two assumptions(RS)
- Another reality check from Krugman(RS)
- Biting the hand that's trying to feed you(MEJ)
- you can kill a flock of sheep with witchcraft,........(RS)
- How Stupid Does Bush Think We Are?(MEJ)
- Social Security Piratization(RS)
- Repealing the New Deal(RS)
- Another Republican Defector(MEJ)
- A man with an idea on Social Security(RS)
- Social Security And Fuzzy Math(RS)
- The nerve of these people(MEJ)
- Have I got a deal for you(RS)
- Lose-Lose situation(RS)
- At Least George Will is Honest(RS)
- Selling Social Security(RS)
- You Must Be Kidding(RS)
- Outrageous(RS)
- Social Security-ABC helps spread the lies(RS)
- Even MSNBC says Bush is lying about Social Security(MEJ)
- Rude, Crude, and Certainly Not a Prude(RS)
- The Lows and The Highs(RS)
- Now wait just a minute!!!!!!(MEJ)
- Social Security Privitization, British Experience(RS)
- The President of Fabricated Crises(RS)
- Republicans tell Bush "Not So Fast"(RS)
- More Social Security "Facts"(MEJ)
- Crisis?(RS)
- David Brooks on Social Security Reform(RS)
- Key Democrat says NO to Bush Social Security Reform(MEJ)
- Specter Jumps(RS)
- Social Security "Crisis" Cliffs Notes(RS)
- MSM, Not everybody gets it!!!!(MEJ)
- More on Social Security(RS)
- Social Security Privitization, DOA?????(MEJ)
- Republicans, a party divided(MEJ)
- Policy, two words and some lies(MEJ)
- The Social Security "Crisis"(MEJ)
- Another good reason to oppose the Bush Social Security Reform(MEJ)
- Democrats and Social Security(MEJ)
- Social Security, even conservatives see through the lies(RS)
- More Social Security Lies from the MSM(RS)
- How not to fix Social Security(MEJ)
- The MSM, idiots, liars or both?(MEJ)
- Harry Reid on Social Security(MEJ)
- Krugman on Social Security(RS)
- Social Security Facts and Myths (RS)
- The truth about Social Security(MEJ)
As you can probably figure out on your own an (RS) on the end indicates it is from Running Scared and a (MEJ) is Middle Earth Journal. They are arranged approximately by date with the most recent at the top.
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