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Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Harriet Miers...stranger and stranger

George Will, Bill Kristol and other conservatives, including Trent Lott, have come out in opposition to the nomination of Harriet Miers. Much of the radical Christian right is uncomfortable, but not James Dobson. Well apparently Mullah Dobson has "secret information".
I reported yesterday morning that Focus on the Family's James Dobson is one of the very few religious-right leaders to embrace Harriet Miers' Supreme Court nomination. Apparently, at least according to Dobson, his support is driven by inside information.
Karl Rove, the president's top political adviser, started calling influential social conservatives to reassure them about the pick even before it was announced. He called James C. Dobson, founder of Focus on the Family, over the weekend….

Some of the efforts evidently bore fruit. By day's end, Mr. Dobson, one of the most influential evangelical conservatives, welcomed the nomination. "Some of what I know I am not at liberty to talk about," he said in an interview, explaining his decision to speak out in support of Ms. Miers. He declined to discuss his conversations with the White House.
Fortunately, a few others saw the same quote and found it more than a little disconcerting.
[Sen. Ken Salazar] expressed concern over a comment by Focus on the Family founder James Dobson that he supported Miers because of inside information. […]

"It seems to me that all of what the White House knows about Harriet Miers should in fact be made available to the Senate and the American people," said Salazar, who voted to confirm President Bush's nomination of Chief Justice John Roberts.
Seems reasonable enough, right? We are, after all, talking about a nominee to the U.S. Supreme Court. If Karl Rove has special insight into Miers' qualifications, and he's willing to share that information with a self-proclaimed spiritual leader, shouldn't members of the Senate, who'll ultimately have to decide Miers' fate, have access to the same information?
Of course this wouldn't be the first time the Republicans/Rovians have taken the religious right for a ride. So what did Rove tell Dobson? Maybe the Senate should question him to find out.

I think the real the real issue here is that her only qualification seem to be she is a Bush cultist and that she will become a virtual rubber stamp for the White House. It has already been suggested that they want someone on the high court who will be sympathetic to their tyrannical war on terror policies.

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