Beginning today, Mid Stream Radio will be going to a five days per week schedule! However, we have already imposed far too much on Ron's schedule, so we're calling in some additional help on hosting the show when Ron isn't available. Today, and likely on many Tuesday and Thursday shows, I will be joined by Cindy, a.k.a. The Lady Logician, to chew over the political and social issues of the day. Today we'll cover a variety of topics, including an answer to the question as to whether or not Dennis Kucinich should be included in tonight's Democratic debate.
You can join in the discussion by calling in to (646) 595-3963. And you can always join us during the show in our lively web chats, which we monitor and bring in for discussion on the air. Remember that you can sign up for a free user account at BTR while you're there! This will allow you to have your own, unique user name in the web chats and sign up to have Mid Stream Radio as one of your "Favorites" so you'll receive e-mail notification about upcoming shows.
On yesterday's show, Ron and I interviewed Shaun Mullen, author, newspaper reporter and editor and political analyst. He's a lively guest with a liberal slant on things, and he makes some interesting predictions about the elections, so if you missed the show, download it at the link and check it out.
See you on the radio!