I put Middle Earth Journal in hiatus in May of 2008 and moved to Newshoggers.
I temporarily reopened Middle Earth Journal when Newshoggers shut it's doors but I was invited to Participate at The Moderate Voice so Middle Earth Journal is once again in hiatus.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Smokin Joe

I am surprised by the brouhaha surrounding this:
Lieberman Not Ruling Out Running As Independent
Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman refused today to rule out an independent candidacy if he loses the Democratic nomination, saying his re-election to a fourth term is too important for Connecticut.

"The definitive answer is that I am not foreclosing the option," Lieberman said. "If I wanted to run as an independent I would do it today. I don't. I am a Democrat. I want to run as a Democrat."
This should come as no surprise. Joe may call himself a Democrat but he is first and foremost a Likudnick Neocon which takes precedence over any other political party. He is a super star on FOX news where he regularly attacks the Democratic Party. It should come as no surprise that the Connecticut Democrats see this and Lieberman's renomination is threatened. While John Dean has been mum his brother James has not.
At the Connecticut Democratic Party's annual Jefferson Jackson Bailey fund-raising dinner last month, James H. Dean was among the guests invited to sit at the table of Ned Lamont, a Greenwich cable television executive who is planning a primary challenge to Senator Joseph I. Lieberman over the senator's support for the war in Iraq.

"The reason I went and sat at his table is I personally think Ned is a terrific candidate and I want to support him," said Mr. Dean, one of 1,700 guests at the political event. "I think not only is it a good race for the voters because he's bringing the war back, I think his campaign will benefit candidates up and down the Democratic ticket."
Like the DLC's Marshall Wittmann and the increasingly hawkish Hillary Clinton Lieberman is out of touch with the base of the Democratic Party.

Joe Lieberman says,
"If I wanted to run as an independent I would do it today. I don't. I am a Democrat. I want to run as a Democrat."
But that's only because he doubts he can win as an independent in the very blue Connecticut. He is after all a Likudnick/neocon first and a Democrat second.

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