I put Middle Earth Journal in hiatus in May of 2008 and moved to Newshoggers.
I temporarily reopened Middle Earth Journal when Newshoggers shut it's doors but I was invited to Participate at The Moderate Voice so Middle Earth Journal is once again in hiatus.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

The week that was

The new computer is up and running so my excuse for not posting is no more. There was quite a bit happening this week. The big news and what I still think will be the deciding factor in the midterm elections was Iraq although it wasn't in the news much. This morning we hear that a Black Hawk helicopter has crashed killing all 12 on board. This follows bloody Thursday when 11 US soldiers and 200 Iraqis were killed. With this as a backdrop Paul Bremmer admitted that the US was clueless when it came to what happened in Iraq following the invasion. Although it was for the most part pushed off the front pages this week Iraq will remain the big story.

Spygate continued to make the news but unless the Christiane Amanpour twist or something similar has some traction it will go no where. It will impact the Alito nomination in a bipartisan manner however.

Ariel Sharon's exit from middle east politics will certainly make it even less likely that there will be peace in that region although I always felt that was unlikely anyway. His stroke did give Pat Robertson another opportunity to show the world that he is a lunatic however.

The Jack Abramoff story continues and Tom DeLay finally did the inevitable and announced he won't seek to get his position of House Majority Leader back. Of course this was just before the Republicans announced it for him. It's still too early to tell how far the Abramoff story will go and how many Jack will take down with him.

Finally in review. Last Monday I questioned if 9/11 should have changed everything. I also linked to posts by Jack Grant, Fear, necessity, freedom, despair, and hope and Glenn Greenwald, Attacking Bush's only weapon: Fear, that you should go read if you missed them.

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