I put Middle Earth Journal in hiatus in May of 2008 and moved to Newshoggers.
I temporarily reopened Middle Earth Journal when Newshoggers shut it's doors but I was invited to Participate at The Moderate Voice so Middle Earth Journal is once again in hiatus.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

As Visions of Hillary Danced in their Heads

Those of you in Ron's corner of the world, (the Pacific Northwest) probably don't give quite as much thought to Hillary Clinton as we do here in New York, but there's no denying that she's somewhere on the radar of every political news junkie in the country. Today I wanted to pose a question which I believe the junior Senator from the Empire State should take under advisement.

While many people are talking about her all but announced candidacy for the presidency in 2008, a lot of folks have apparently forgotten that she has a Senate race left to run this year back home. This doesn't seem to be much of a concern to anyone, including Ms. Clinton, since the GOP has yet to even locate a viable candidate willing to fall on their sword and challenge her. As Bob Geiger said before the holidays, Hillary could, at the point, probably strangle a kitten on live television and still win with a ten point buffer. But I believe that politicians need to ask themselves the same questions as scientists when they are confronted with potentially dangerous experiments... just because you can do something, does it necessarily mean that you should? To put it more bluntly, even if victory is assured, should Hillary run for a second term in the Senate?

The conventional "wisdom" of course would dictate that she has to. Surrendering (or worse, losing) her seat would be seen a a political disaster. But the conventional wisdom may be wrong, particularly in relation to the best interests of the people of New York. Let's face it - in her recent "move to the middle" as she tries to sell a national audience on her "moderate" credentials, Hillary has let down her base again and again. Her cheerleading for Bush's war in Iraq, her backing off on reproductive rights, her fiscally irresponsible votes on several issues... these have all been signs that she is clearly taking the base of her party - and the majority of her constituents - for granted.

Also, assuming she ever does have to start campaigning for Senate this year, she will effectively be in full time campaign mode for the next three years - one year of Senate campaign stops and two years of running for President. What of her Senate seat and her responsibility to our state? There are already a couple of anti-war, grass roots candidates stepping up to take on the seemingly hopeless task of challenging her in a Democratic primary. These are people who are clearly outspoken and ardent in their progressive values and their desire to serve as a full time Senator for New York. Is it so foolish to consider asking Hillary if the best thing for everyone would be to simply announce that she's not running, endorse one of these candidates, step down next January and get on with the business of running for the White House?

It's not as if being out of the Senate is going to take her out of the national eye. She would still be a superstar fundraiser for the DNC and have the time and luxury of traveling all across the nation for events and early campaign stops. If nothing else, the Republicans themselves will keep Hillary in the spotlight whenever she opens her mouth. No matter how many years have passed since the elections of 2000, just the mere mention of either her name or Bill's will still bring blood boiling into the eyes of conservatives as spittle rolls down their chins. Clinton-hatred will not fade until the current generation of the right wing is in the grave.

Her current war chest is estimated at something between ten million dollars and "more money than the Pope." She's a proven earner and could certainly finance her campaign for two years with little to no effort. At the same time she would be doing the people of New York and the entire nation a favor by getting herself out of a position where she would have to waste our vote on Senate matters as she waffles around the center.

So how about it, Senator Clinton? You really don't have any further interest in being Senator anyway... admit it. Why not step down gracefully and get on with the fight for what you really want? Sometimes it takes a bigger person to put their own needs and desires aside in the interest of the greater good.

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