Ron will be out of action today, unfortunately, but I'll be on the air with Mid Stream Radio as usual, at 1:00 pm eastern, 10:00 am pacific. (We've reformatted the show's home page to allow easier browsing of archived shows by title and better links navigation to show topics. Check it out.) In the first half hour we'll be speaking with King Banion, of SCSUScholars. King is a respected economist and author, and we'll be talking about the economy and which of the current frontrunners will have what effect on the economy going forward.
In the second half hour we'll sit down with author Susan Thornton to talk about her book "On Broken Glass - Loving and Losing John Gardner." You probably know about the American icon of literature, John Gardner, author of many classics including Grendel. (Which is still taught as part of the English Lit. curriculum in many schools.) Susan was a key part of John's life up until his sudden, tragic death and shares the details of their tumultuous relationship. (Including the fact that she was a "closet Republican" living within a community of very liberal artists.)
You can call in to join the conversation at (646) 595-3963, or join us in the live web chat at our web page if you have any questions or comments for the guests. Remember to register for a free Blog Talk Radio user account and make Mid Stream Radio one of your favorites so you can get e-mail notification when our show is going on the air!