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Thursday, January 26, 2006

Spineless incompetent Democrats, Alito edition

We discussed the incompetence of the Bush administration here yesterday. When it comes to incompetence the Senate Democrats have shown they are second in incompetence to no one. Liberal Oasis supplies the details:
Senate Dems are perhaps heading into a worst-case scenario with the Alito nomination, at least, worst-case for the party’s reputation.

Achieving 41 “No” votes, yet not filibustering the nomination.
He points out that the country could have been convinced that Alito was bad news but that the Senate Democrats were not up to the task.
Is it the Senate Dems’ fault that opposition hasn’t crystallized?

Not completely. Blame should be shared.

The non-profit ad campaign wasn’t big enough to spark extensive media coverage.

And the liberal grassroots was not nearly as focused as our right-wing counterparts.

as detailed here earlier, Dem Senators made several major mistakes in the months prior to the Alito nomination.

Further, they have failed to make the case against Alito to the public since the hearings.

Almost no Senator is bothering to utter his name, let alone articulate why he is bad for the Court.
I am fed up with the Democrats and Have little faith in their ability to protect us from the threat of the Bush Cabal. As I said the other day.
But we have a Democratic leadership in Washington that doesn't have a "better way" or at least can't communicate it. If the Democrats can't be a viable and competent opposition party can they be trusted to lead the country?

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