I put Middle Earth Journal in hiatus in May of 2008 and moved to Newshoggers.
I temporarily reopened Middle Earth Journal when Newshoggers shut it's doors but I was invited to Participate at The Moderate Voice so Middle Earth Journal is once again in hiatus.

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Rick Santorum really is dumber than a stick

Once again Republican and corporate shill Rick Santorum has proved beyond reasonable doubt he is really, really, really stupid. The Washington Post reports that while Democrats and Republicans were praising the National Weather Service's forecasting of Katrina man on dog Santorum was saying:
the National Weather Service's forecasts and warnings about Katrina's path were "not sufficient."


Santorum said that "we need a robust National Weather Service" that focuses on severe weather predictions. "Obviously the consequences are incredibly severe, as we've seen here in the last couple of weeks, if we don't get it right and don't properly prepare," Santorum said.
Of course Santorum has been at odds with The NWS as he has pushed for privatization favoring some of his campaign contributors.
Santorum, long at odds with the federal agency, is pushing a bill that would require it to surrender some of its duties to private businesses, some of them located in his state.
The weather service told Santorum to go find another dog to mess with.
Employees Organization said in a statement: "We did our job well and everyone knows it. By falsely claiming that we got it wrong, Rick Santorum is continuing his misguided crusade against the National Weather Service."
But little Ricky is not known for backing down.
Santorum's office issued a statement yesterday repeating the concern that "there are serious consequences" when the Weather Service falls short of "getting it right."
Sorry Rick, the NWS did get it right, it was the administration that got it wrong. In addition to questioning Santorum's intelligence you have to question the intelligence of anyone who would want the moronic Santorum shilling for them.

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