I put Middle Earth Journal in hiatus in May of 2008 and moved to Newshoggers.
I temporarily reopened Middle Earth Journal when Newshoggers shut it's doors but I was invited to Participate at The Moderate Voice so Middle Earth Journal is once again in hiatus.

Sunday, May 23, 2004

Fascism in America

Creeping fascism in the US is something I have been concerned with for some time. Although it has been close to the surface since the civil war its surfacing I think began with the Republican attempt to capture the southern Democratic vote by subtly playing the race card. This was very successful, giving the Reagan Republicans the power to advance their fascist agenda and has broken the surface under the Bush regime.
David Neiwert has addressed this topic like only he can and much better than I can. No cut and paste blockquotes here, just go to the source.

He mentions an incident I discussed here a couple of days ago.

A comment I placed on the Orincus site can be found here
My Daily KOS diary with comments is here

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